Lower Class Loses in GMO Battle

Today, I’m going to take another particular angle on the GMO debate.  For more points, see other posts in my blog.

It is almost becoming exhausting… all the debate over GMO’s.  However, do you know what would be really troubling?  Imagine we had to take the low cost option of food off the shelves at our local grocery stores… simply because it incorporated GMO’s.  Also consider that removing GMO’s may reduce the supply of food significantly, driving prices higher than ever.

How would that impact our society?

Well, there has already been quite a trend since the recession… the rich get richer and the poor have gotten poorer.  Remove GMO’s from the grocery store shelves… and the trend is exponentially increased.  The fact remains that no one has scientifically proven GMO’s to be harmful.  Secondly, even if they were remotely harmful… the idea of crippling the ability of the lowest class of society from being able to afford food would be even worse.  The amount of funding for food stamps was reduced in the 2014 farm bill, and will continue to be reduced as pennies in congress are pinched.  Meanwhile, prices of food continue to go higher.  

Those who are left out of the conversation, are those who matter most.  Unless GMO’s are going to destroy the human race, or those of us in the middle to upper class are willing to pay for food subsidies for the lower class, we need low cost options on the shelves of our grocery store for the lower class to provide for their families.

Have any other suggestions?  

Also, did you know that crops have been genetically modified since the 1930’s?  Looks like it has really devastated the human race since then.  Wouldn’t you agree?  Check out that history here:  http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/crops_03.html

Feel free to post your thoughts!